Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Entertainment Alley - Duck Dynasty

Funniest show ever, just saying, you need to check it out!

Tilden's Birth Story

I can't believe it's almost been a month since he got here. It really still feels new and like I don't know what I'm doing, but it's getting better every day. So more about how Til got here.
On Thursday April 19, something just felt off. My stomach was cramping a little and I kinda thought I was starting to have contractions. I started timing them and quickly realised they were coming every 10 minutes! OMG! Its really happening!  I had to kinda calm myself because even though youve been pregnant for 9 months and taken classes and had 50 million Dr.s appointments, nothing really prepares you for when it actually comes.

I called Josh like "OMG, I think its happening, holy crap!" and he was all calm, saying "ohh cool, ok well i'll be home in about an hour".  Huh? WHY ARE YOU NOT FREAKING OUT LIKE ME! He's always been the calm one, that husband of mine.  Long story short, we get to the doctor and I'm only 1 cm and the contractions aren't strong enough and I have to go back home. Thats the last thing a pregnant lady having contractions wants to hear.  That means I have to suck it up and keep enduring this crap until they are MORE intense? Are ya kidding me?

Well we go home, I tried to sleep to no avail, the next day i was SURE they were more intense, we get to the hospital and I'm only 3 cm - they don't admit you until you are at 4.  Again, I say "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME"?  So the nurse asks me to walk around the hospital, while having contractions, and try to dialate more.  FOR REALS.  NOT FUN. And it didn't work.  After an hour, I was still at 3 and they sent me home with an Ambien so that I could get some sleep.  I'm like "ok, that sounds good." Little did I know Ambien is like taking 5 tequila shots in a row and then trying to function! Holy memory loss batman.  I don't remember much after that night, but my husband tells me that I tried to order some crazy food from Taco Bell, then decided I wanted Wendys, took 10 minutes to order, forgot we had already called my mom, and acted like a drunken fool the whole way home.  Fun times!

When we got home I remember getting ready for bed and climbing in, then BOOM! Something felt weird and I popped out of bed knowing that my water had broke.  Josh said he has been laying down a total of 5 minutes, poor thing. So we get back in the car, head back to the hospital, and they admit me! Woot. By then the contractions were for real and the fun Ambien affect had worn off so mama was feeling EVERYTHING and it was intense. 

Soon, my favorite man in the world, the anestesialogist, came in and gave me my epidural, which I was fully prepared to hurt like crazy madness, but it really was just more weird feeling than painful.  Soon, I was pain free with numb legs sleeping like a baby! Getting that epidural was the best decision I ever made.  Moms who go au natural, you are insane and superwoman. 

They woke us up around 6 am and when Josh looked at the monitor, his eyes got huge and get said "I think your contractions are like really close and instense." Oh really, I wouldn't know cause I can't feel my legs! The nurse checked me and sure enough, I was 10 cm and she wanted me to try to push.  With the first push, her eyes got big and she said "oh his head is already down and I can see hair" Glory, glory, I hope this means I don't have to push very long. 

35 minutes later and one bucket of puke, and my little guy arrived, all 7lbs 4 ozs of him.  I was shocked, releived, surprised, happy, scared all at the same time.  There's really no way to described what its like when they lay that baby on your chest! 

Well there ya have it!  Its a story I will never forget and I wouldn't want it any other way.  Love my little Tilley!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sorry it's been a while...

But this little guy has been stealing my time ;) I'll tell ya all about that later.

Monday, April 16, 2012

I won!!

I am soo excited!! I won my very first blog contest ever! A big thank you to Life in the Thrifty Lane for hosting the giveaway and to Stich Sense Designs for the great items I'm about to receive.  Very exciting.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What I've Been Reading - Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah

I just got done reading Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah, and it was a GREAT book.

The book follows the lives of two women born in the 60s who meet in their teen years and have a life of friendship and heartbreak.  They commit to be best friends forever, and we get to see the successes and failures they face along their 30 year friendship.  I really like the way the author writes and the book was funny, sad and heartbreaking all at the same time.  I give it 4.5 stars and if you want a good summer/beach reading book, give this one a try.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gotye - Somebody That I Used to Know

So I am kinda obsessed with this song.  Its just so different and interesting.  I just looked up the video and its cray cray, but the song is still awesome. I listed to the entire album and it is just as good. You should go check it out!

From Pinterest to Reality - Lemon-Blueberry Yogurt Loaf

Sorry its been so long since my last post.  I am officially a stay at home "wife" now (until T decides to make his entry into this world) so I should have plenty of time to share my thoughts, recipes and random info on here.  

Now, on to today's post.  One of my goals as a homemaker is to cook and bake more from scratch, hopefully saving money and creating more healthy, non processed meals for Josh and I to eat.  I'll share about last nights dinner later, but today I made this. 

Recipe and photo credit go to Sweet Peas Kitchen 

Now in my version, I actually made muffins instead of the loaf, so that I could freeze some and so that they were easier to eat for breakfast or a snack.  I have to say, for the low cost of frozen blueberries and a few lemons, this was a great dessert/snack.  It does have a lot of sugar in it though, but seeing as how it made 18 muffins, I think its ok.  Here is what mine looked like. Yummy! :)